Well, this 2021 Christmas movie was actually a nice take on the classic tale of the ghosts of Christmas past. When I sat down to watch "Boyfriends of Christmas Past" from writer Lisa Parsons and director Don McBrearty, I wasn't sure what I was in for. I only saw the movie's cover, and opted to sit down and watch it.
The storyline was good and enjoyable, and as I mentioned above, it was a nice take on a classic Christmas story, updated to today's society and what not. So yeah, I was definitely genuinely entertained from watching this movie. And it is a movie that I can and will warmly recommend.
The story is about Lauren (played by Catherine Haena Kim) whom is visited by past boyfriends in the days up to Christmas, as she is struggling to realize and see something that is right before her very nose.
"Boyfriends of Christmas Past" was nicely constructed and had a good narrative. And that made for a very wholesome movie. And there certainly was a nice Christmas-feel to the entire movie.
The movie has a good cast ensemble, with the likes of Catherine Haena Kim, Raymond Ablack and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee on the cast list.
My rating of "Boyfriends of Christmas Past" lands on a six out of ten stars. This one is definitely worth the time and effort.