I had a whole different perception on Jessica Simpson before this show. What's funny is that I used to admire her- until I saw her immaturity on the Newlyweds- which really changed my imagery of her. When I first saw this show I was pleasantly surprised. She had a whole different character to her personality and every time I now watch this show I see a fun, nice and caring Jessica Simpson. Something WAY different from the young bratty Jessica in Newlyweds.
Other than Jessica, I think this show is decent. No, it's not interesting enough to be an hour or two long- but it keeps making me come back for more every week. Jessica goes around the world exploring beauty in the mindset of a different country. At times it's moving, and sometimes- the producers try too hard to make this show moving- which can come across as cheesy sometimes. It's not a terrible show, it definitely has it's moments. I have a feeling that this show won't be renewed for a second season, and if it isn't- no big deal. I gotta give Jessica props for coming back after a rough couple of years into a TV show that revolves around beauty, but this show really isn't as amazing as I would have hoped it would be.
Is this show a MUST-see? Probably not. But it's still worth watching.