Welp, what is there to say. If you're a horror fan, you can appreciate the slow building horror this film has to offer. It's definitely more of a B rated horror film with slasher/Rest Stop overtones.
The film though released in 2009, has 80s film effects. Such as grainy film quality in some scenes. Also, the hairstyles and clothing of the two leads can be homage to the 80s and hairglam metal era.
The acting in the film is decent. The actress that plays Liz has a New York accent. Take it or leave it but when she starts screaming, you may need to earmuffs.
The makeup effects are okay. Nothing to write home about. Some of the effects are okay and other scenes there is a clear lack in creativity.
The soundtrack is indescribable. For real. It's like instruments, shrills, an ekg machine, ultrasound machine, wind tunnel, turbines, wind chimes and crickets kinda remix.
The film's action is continuous with only a few lulls. It's not a bad film. It's slasher horror and can hold one's attention. I rate 5 stars.