"Icy" (Michelle Wai ) is a former prostitute turned "agent" who uses the internet to find clients for her associates in Hong Kong. Because she only has two of them her financial situation is somewhat affected when one of them suddenly disappears without a trace. Fortunately, she acquires a new associate by the name of "Ronnie" (Seli Xian) who happens to be rich but extremely bored. Not long afterward another young woman named "Gucci" (Venus Wong) joins the group with the intent of selling her virginity in order to pay for a Gucci bag she bought in an on-line auction. What transpires next is a story which details the risks and rewards for these women as they engage in the world's oldest profession. Now, rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that, although some scenes were a bit risqué, they tended to support the overall atmosphere and made the film more realistic. However, one particular problem was that there were a few subplots which were left undeveloped which gave this movie an overall feel of being unfinished. But other than that it managed to keep my attention and having two attractive women like the aforementioned Michelle Wai and Seli Xian certainly didn't hurt the movie in any way. On a side note, I should probably add that although the movie is listed on IMDb as being 105 minutes long, the particular film I saw was only 88 minutes in length. So it's quite possible that I may have missed something along the way. At any rate, as far as this specific movie is concerned I rate it as about average.