Beginning with a strong premise, Along Came Love promises a complicated and complex story showing how two lives of complete strangers can get intertwined while exploring their past and their future. Unfortunately new twists and turns show up constantly in this picture without solving or finishing the old ones, which resulted in me feeling a bit "robbed" in the end, because the whole narrative just kind of fizzled out without a climax. However my biggest issue was the pace of the film - it felt lengthy and some scenes were unnecessarily prolonged while others could have been more detailed. I would best describe Along Came Love as a film that was given a solid base for its story and a run time that needed to be filled - which sadly resulted in just a sequence of various scenes with no proper buildup. Even though it still had some good qualities (music score, cinematography...) and overall I would still classify this film as an easily watchable, for me it just was not strong or gripping enough to have my full attention.