(2012) Pressed
Co- written, co-produced and directed by Justin Donnelly directing yet an unsatisfying, strictly-by-the book with no new surprises, straight-to-rental movie regarding spontaneous circumstances starring Luke Goss as Brian who's just gotten the boot from his previous job, something to do with advertising. Afraid to notify his wife about it, Brian decides to sulk his sorrows by drinking at a bar only to find out that one of his old school chums happens to be the owner of the bar he was drinking in. To lift Brian's spirits up, he offers him a gambling deal of a sure thing by tripling his money for him from 500 dollars to 5,000. Feeling so high and mighty, Brian then scrounges up a hundred grand of his own money, only to find out later that his bar owner friend was intending to invest it into the drug trade. And everything goes downhill from here as soon as a couple of precocious teenagers stole the charger where the hundred grand was stored in. Take my word for it, things really do get worst from here, and they don't get any better. You know, if you're a frequent newspaper and magazine reader, and news watcher, you would very well know that whatever 'negative' happens in this film is the kind of stuff people read and hear about all the time, so why do we need to watch it as a movie one might ask. It's because there's still an audience for these type of movies where they're many 'narrow minded' people who chose to not keep themselves inform about what is happening in today's society, and rather tweet, twitter and gossip with users on facebook with perfect strangers and don't seem to care about anything else. The thing is that not everything that is shown on the news is a sad story often stereotypically suggested. Also, they're hundreds of better films that almost uses this exact same scenario which makes one to wonder, whether or not the makers/ writers of this movie came up with the story by reading it from some article, or had seen someone else doing a better job of it. Bomb.