As always with Osho and Rajneeshpuram, the haters and lovers will gladly tell you why your wrong. And reviewers and comments show this.
This documentary is meh but that's mainly due to the very slow pace and little added already to the highly controversial Rajneeshpuram commune and the ever-polarizing Bhagwan. I am writing this after watching the Netflix docuseries 'Wild Wild Country' (2018) and maybe you are too. Otherwise there really isn't a reason to watch this documentary unless you just want something calm to watch while you go to bed.
This film honestly isn't that biased like other people say. In this film people give their account from their own perspective. Its plainly directed but not "one-sided".
This film is guided by Bhagwan's bodyguard who tells his account as someone who was close to power but did not have much themselves, and is guided by Sheela whose perspective and opinions seem to leave you cross-checking other interviews from tv, court, and films for reference to see if they are actually true or not.
If you are interested in documentaries on cults, this one is worth watching actually as you see the long-lasting impacts cults and organizations can have individuals. This won't fill many (if any) gaps on Rajneeshpuram after WWC but its always interesting to see another doc on this subject and how its told.