Powder, an Indian Crime Drama released in 2010 & now streaming on Netflix was actually born in the wrong era of Indian Television History, which predominantly focused on more bogused & plotless shows at that time ( and even till now).
However, after watching the entire series you will have a fair amount of knowledge how Enforcement Departments work in India along with the pressure of Bureucracy & Red Tapism.
Powder, follows the story of Usmaan Ali Malik(Manish Chaudhary) & his subordinates of Narcotics Control Bureau who are in pursuit of A Drug Syndicate run by a Notorious Drug lord Naved Ansari (Pankaj Tripathi) who plans on leaving the country in search of a new haven.
The Plot looks simple but has been wooven by Atul Sabharwal (Director & Writer) in a very neat & phased manner. Their are hardly any instances when you will be able to point out that the scenes have been exaggerated or any character is over-defying. The Strong Point of this show lies in both acting & direction. From Brinda to Raja every sub characters are positioned in a perfect manner kudos to Atul Sabharwal. This show is one hell of a ride from Streets of Mumbai to Political Corridors of Delhi & then Ending on. . .(well lets keep that a secret for now).
Just for the sake of how good this show is let me remind you this show came 5 years before Narcos & you will still feel those vibes from the Main Antagonist (Naved Ansari) you may also sense a bit of #METoo (remind you again this show came 8 years before this movement) on how the director has never overshadowed its female protagonist in the show, she is tough & independent.
Sadly it could not ascend to Season 2 but its a fresh & a mindblowing take on the rivalry between Enforcement Departments & Drug Smuggling in India.
Watch this Show for the Final Confrontation between "Usmaan & Naved" which wont let you take your eyes off!
It's a Must Watch