In the Hallmark Channel film "Oliver's Ghost", eleven-year-old Oliver (Nicholas Stargel) is the youngest of the family of four who have just moved in to their new home. They have been wondering why the previous owner left in such a hurry. Well, watch the film and you'll find out--just as they did. This is a great family film which focuses on the need for family members to listen to one another and to help one another. It is not a movie that will be frightening to young children. Martin Mull plays the role of the ghost (referred to in the title). He does a great job in this dramatic role as does the adorable Nicholas Stargel in the leading role as Oliver. Also, watch for Rhea Perlman in a fine dramatic role. I hope this movie will be released on DVD as there is a real market for good family films like this. This movie is well-cast and well-acted and I would recommend it highly for anyone of any age.