Ok, here's the deal on low budget scifi/horror -- fans bend over backwards to praise them as they ignore factors they would not in any other genre which they weren't particular fans of.
This is a low budget scifi horror flick. That means mostly closeup shots, because all the other shots cost money. It means substandard actors. It means clunky dialogue and clumsy dialogue delivery and plot pacing. It usually means heavy amounts of ripping off better-known movies. Dropa has all the above.
Yes, this HEAVILY rips off Bladerunner. A fanboi would say it "pays homage." Ok, it does that. And not badly, either. But it does it, a lot. It's also a James Cameron homage, or ripoff, namely the Alien series. That's ok. It does it decently.
But the lead actor? Ugh. Acts like he came from porn. He substitutes intensity for a furrowed brow that almost never lets up. As if he has a 100-minute, uninterrupted headache. That's just not real. And worse-- it's just not necessary. And we have to watch him in almost every minute of this film. He's pretty and hardbodied, but since this is constant-close-up territory, we have to watch his face a lot, and that face isn't up to the task.
This movie's best feature? The plot writing. It does an above-average job of creating an alternate earth world (again, too much like Bladerunner), but it does it with thought. I can tell the best parts of this movie were left in the discarded script notes. It's nothing revelatory, but it's as good and occasionally better than many big-name tv series, especially standards like TWD franchise and similar.