At the time I first viewed it, this movie had the rating of 6. I was taught by experience not to trust IMDB ratings too much, as some highly rated movies turned out out to be huge disappointments, and many low-rated ones turned out to be instant classics in my book. However, most of the time, the low-rated movies have some flaws that most people tend to overstate, hence the poor rating. Naturally, I expected this to be the case with this one as well.
I guess the thing the audience didn't like was the fact that there's very little actual storytelling and most of the movie comes to the captivating visuals and the actual feelings they evoke in the viewer. We, the audience, have some knowledge and expectations that the little girl who serves as the main character doesn't, but the movie still manages to surprise us both. Its quality, however, is more hypnotic than revelatory, reminding of Lynch, Tarkovsky and similar artists, or better yet, the more surreal aspects of the likes of Tarsem or Kubrick.
Underneath it all, there is some important message, all of these apparent fever dreams actually filled with symbolism and meaning, and even some things that we don't immediately recognize will soon be explained through the little girl's memories and make more or less sense. Haven Lee Harris is extremely talented for a girl of her age and if this movie gets the recognition it deserves, she will be a star someday, and the same obviously goes for her father, the director of this masterpiece.
All in all, this is as much as I can say without actually spoiling the whole thing. To everyone who likes to see the captivating visuals of a little girl's dream world, who doesn't mind a little touch of dread spread throughout the movie, and has at least a little bit of imagination and understanding, I strongly recommend this movie.