The name "overspel" (adultery) may a bit misleading. It made me suspect that this was going to be some female-oriented cliché-ridden drama. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There are many characters here all of which are equally important. The plot revolves around their relations with each other. Couwenberg is boss of a construction business, then an accident happens that puts the relationships of everyone in the series under pressure. Step by step the plot moves forward and gets more intricate and intriguing every episode. Adultery is only a small part of the problems emerging for every person in this mess. The characters are completely real and believable six episodes in and not once have I been disturbed by a stupid cliché or unreal irrational actions by the characters. They act as any sane man or woman does in their situation.
With a plot so much based on characters, the acting has to be top-notch, and I'm delighted to say that it absolutely is. Rarely have I seen such strong performances from Dutch actors. Add in the brilliant directing and grim cinematography and you've got a series that gets more compelling with every scene. The 6th and latest episode was the absolute highpoint for me. It ended with a music compilation lasting many minutes on Deep Purple's Child in Time and was absolutely masterly executed. One of the best directed pieces I've ever seen.
Overspel is gripping, compelling, well written, wonderfully acted, even better directed, and fit for every single audience, even kids if they're into this sort of thing. Perhaps watching the full season with the entire family at Christmas is a perfect family bonding activity for many.