This is a truly terrible movie. The only reason I watched it was so that I could give a complete and honest review here and warn people not to waste their time.
The sound is terrible as they leave a noise in the background throughout the entire movie. I assume this is a simulation of the noise that the aliens are suppose to be making. Of course, with this noise in the background it is near impossible to make out the script... but don't be troubled because the script that I heard was as bad as the movie stars acting in the film.
The acting was about the only thing worse than the movie itself. There was really no story line, so, in the actors defense, this probably is the best they could ever do with a movie this bad. We are all safe though as I am almost positive that you will never see any of them in anything else worth watching.
Alas, the fickle world of Hollywood.
Unfortunately, this picture will probably sell tickets based upon its name, but it is nothing like Battle:Los Angeles and it is almost as bad as Battle for Los Angeles. With all the crap coming out of Hollywood these days, this movie is at the bottom of the pack.
Watch it at your own risk because you HAVE been warned!