The film sometimes seems unfocused and lacking a more sophisticated cinematic narrative, but it is politically and historically extremely important. United States lied to the world, spied and criminally threatened a diplomat, used weapons of mass destruction to murder innocent people (300 thousand Iraqis) with the fake excuse that Iraq had the very same weapons they used. This is a Brazilian documentary on a Brazilian diplomat who led a United Nations organization (OPCW) that worked for quitting weapons of mass destruction but was boycotted by the United States (and he was expelled of his seat through the lobby of the United States, as they wanted a puppet director for OPCW). USA intended to keep their arsenal and destroy Iraq in order to protect their oil companies' interests. Bloody assassins! As a matter of fact, war criminal George W. Bush's speech on January 29, 2002 obviously applies much more to the United States themselves (except for their own citizens, as weapons of mass destruction are used by them against foreigners, either in Japan or in Middle East) than to Iraq: "This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens, leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children. This is a regime that agreed to international inspections, then kicked out the inspectors. That is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world. States like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world." It is also revealed in the film that the minister of foreing affairs of government Fernando Henrique, Celso Lafer, lied about their pressures onto diplomat Bustani to resign, as the United States wanted. It is also something to be proud to know that Lula appointed Bustani for ambassador in London and that he embarassed Tony Blair by explaining to him why he did that. It is nice that the documentary also showed how Bolsonaro put Brazil as a puppet country of the United States, what is symbolized by him making military salute to John Bolton (a assessor of Donald Trump, who repeated the same strategy of Bush against Iraq, but towards Syria).