Kalyan Ram performance is good as long as he performs within his limitations. Saranya Mohan is a decent actor and she can carry all kinds of roles. Sana Khan, does well in whatever little she gets to do. However, it is Kota who excels in the role of an egoistic villain of Rayalaseema. Shyam acts ditto like he has come out of the sets of Kick. Brahmanandam, Dharmavarpu, Venu Madhav are just OK.
The first half of the movie raises good questions towards its end, setting up the plot of the movie very well. It leaves enough clues and an intriguing problem for the audience to come back with an inquiring mind after the break. However, the screenplay in the second half of the movie takes it completely down.
Even though the movie starts on an interesting note, the first few minutes are spent like the number of Telugu movies we have seen in the recent times. Incidentally, almost all the characters introduced in these minutes have NO role to play later! Then there is Sana Khan, who is there only to add a song in first half and one more in the second half.
It is the second half that comes across as a Telugu TV serial. There is a sad wife, hard hearted husband, a cruel father in law, and crueler father in law's mother who has black teeth! All of them are set in a rural village in Kurnool. Then comes the bride's brother who we know will solve the problems. His methods aren't too clever, yet he wins over the cold blooded villains, changes hearts and ends everything on a positive note. Such movies, sometimes work on the charisma of its main leads. Kalyan Ram is no Jr. NTR, and once his limitations are exposed, the movie goes out of control.