Thanks America, another of your finest shows is heading to a UK station near you.
Honestly I do not understand why this genre of programme is so popular. It's just another roll of indistinguishable televisual wallpaper that purports to be a 'reality show' but is in fact no more than poorly contrived BS.
This time we're supposed to be interested in pig herders. Whoop de do. It really doesn't matter whether it's pork bothers, inbred motor cycle mechanics, a bounty hunting transvestite or the aesthetically challenged making millions from abandoned storage lockers - it' all the same. The scripted perils and pitfalls are exactly the same across all these shows, only the setting changes.
This latest incarnation should only serve to reinforce the message that the programmers will do the bare minimum required to fill the gaps between the adverts.
It is a real shame that this breed of 'reality TV' has all but killed the fly-on-the wall genre. I'm sure a genuine documentary these days would be dismissed as not interesting enough, without the scripted arguments and confrontations. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that programmes like American Hoggers and its ilk are are so very dull. If they are going to make this stuff up why make every character detestable and each episode as boring as the last? I've gone for a very generous 2 stars as the production company does at least know which end of the camera to point at the subject matter. But please, no more of this stuff.