This six-part Swedish drama series opens with a Lebanese lecturer starting to give a talk about Middle Eastern music. He doesn't get far as he is arrested; it is claimed he has links to terrorist although he denies it. Sometime afterwards strange things start to occur on a flight from Stockholm to San Francisco... The instruments briefly blackout and when they return a message warns of dire consequences if the lecturer isn't released along with information regarding 'Operation Tennyson', an operation the security services deny any knowledge of. Will the police and security services and the flight crew be able to solve the problem before the plane reaches US airspace where authorities have threatened to shoot it down?
I thought this was a taut little thriller. It might not be the most original and it does require some suspension of disbelief but this is forgivable as, once things get started, the level of tension remains high. The cast does a solid job bringing the story to life. At only six episodes in length the series doesn't outstay its welcome and when it is over it does feel nicely wrapped up. Overall a solid series; perhaps not a must watch but still worth giving a go.
These comments are based on watching the series in Swedish with English subtitles.