I have been on the Korean/Asians movies tip these days and the reason is simple it is hard to find a solid and an interesting movie in Hollywood, you see in a way they are doing remakes and even buying movies that are done in other countries to do them in Hollywood style. Well as a movie fanatic I found my getaway in foreign movies and man was I not entertained. This is one of the best movies of 2011 in Korea (Korean is making its mark in Movie industry) and it boasts with Four Awards The film won four awards in 48th Daejong Awards to Best Actor for Park Hae-il and Best New Actress for Moon Chae-won.) The film is about an archer who risks his life to save his sister from slavery under Prince Dorgan's rule. Other reviews have likened it to Apocalypto but this is nothing like it and Apocalypto doesn't even come close to it and I will tell you why
War of the Arrows is not your typical set battle piece it shows emotions you can see their fear, desperation and panic for example the way they portray death is sad, there is no joy in it even for your enemy, while Apocalypto showed victims and victimization this shows sacrifice and dedication and staying true to your promise no matter the situation. While Apocalypto was on Native Americans and doesn't make you relate to the whole ordeal this one makes you wonder what you could have done faced with the same situation. While Apocalypto showed blood thirsty humans turned to beasts kind of thing for their benefit this one is the survival of the fittest. The common thing in them is obviously the gore and violence. Taking this into consideration I find this one a winner. It is fast paced and will have you glued to your screen from the beginning till the end and what makes it a masterpiece is that the stunts are real it doesn't use you CGI except on the tigers scene which I will excuse as getting the real tiger could have dumbed it down a bit
Overall this is a masterpiece and worth your time