It's New Year's Eve in New York City. Sara (Michelle Monaghan) is blind and living with boyfriend Ryan in his penthouse apartment. She returns home to find Ryan murdered by Chad (Barry Sloane) who is looking for his stolen money. She manages to escape to the street where police detective Hollander (Michael Keaton) protects her.
This is another blind-beauty-in-danger movie. It's an old trope, most notably Wait Until Dark (1967). Monaghan is the beauty. Barry Sloane is very creepy. Michael Keaton is very good. There are two big issues. First, it's such a worn-out premise. This needs something more to surprise the audience. While it has some interesting scenes, it never actually surprises. I like the look of the stairs. I like the ice cubes. I like fireworks. Non of it raises the movie to anything compelling. Second, it's obvious that this is Canada for New York. The green screen work out on the balcony is uncomfortably close to The Room. It makes the movie look cheap. It would be better if the location is unknown. This is derivative by definition and execution.