This is a well made movie with great sound. I think I was most impressed with the sound on this being a low budget movie. As for the actual film, I am not so sure it was exactly what I was hoping for. Sometimes the camera is moving around hand-held for no reason, like during a dialog scene in a parked car. For no reason, the camera is shaking here and there. I found it distracting. The acting was pretty good. Some of the acting was really bad. The main issue I had with this movie was the lack of any real character you can connect and identify with. Even the girl we are suppose to care about it a jerk. I was kind of disappointed, but again, I could tell the people involved worked hard. I guess I am just tired of modern Horror films being more concerned with disturbing us than telling us a compelling story that really involves us. It is what I call the "Post-SAW" American Horror Film. This is also why films like Fender Bender are doing so well. It was fun, entertaining and creepy. People are not happy with all the "Serbian Film" nonsense. Since when did it become uncool to enjoy a Horror film without feeling sickened by it? It seems more and more these films make me want to take a shower afterward, not entertain me.