Skwerl is a fantastic idea executed with some hiccups. The subject matter of the short is genius with it developing a great perception bending tale that any language could appreciate. The setting however could have been more fitting for a dated encounter. The characterizations seemed to fit something from the 1950's and clashed against the modern backdrop.
The brilliant language use and acting falls flat against the pacing of the short story. An example can be seen at the beginning of the video: there is 30 seconds of food preparation shots edited together that could have been shorter. It seems like scenes of talking were stretched out to fill time with shots lacking in interesting visual content.
The ending of the short, although comical, clashed against the seriousness of the discussion prior to the unavailing of the pineapple. Again, the seriousness of the setting had more to do with the dated gender roles that clashed with a modern setting and less to do with problematic story arch.
A great idea with some good acting!
p.s. Brian Fairbairn, John Apted would like to invite you as his sole guest to his Barmitzva. He thinks the best solution to 29 years of bullshit is to apologize to a true friend face to face. He also says leave your boyfriend at home, because 'nohomobro'. Should you like to talk to John, you can call him on 07704757996. All the best.