The Pineville heist Cineplex Silver City April 25,2016
Wake up Thunder Bay! You have a legitimate Hollywood film maker in your midst. The Pineville heist (www. is a film by Lee Chambers, a teacher at your very own Confederation College. I first heard about the movie because my niece Leah Rantala, has a small part in it. I must admit at first I thought "oh cute a college film she's got a little part". When I found out there was a screening in Hollywood I thought it odd. I was married for 10 years to a "film producer", so I do understand a little bit how this process works. I managed to get passes and I brought my two kids to the screening. We were blown away. After 20 plus years living in the lush green foliage of WA state, I love living in Southern California. The dry climate of fruits,nuts and flakes....and sunshine.
Yet, I AM from Thunder Bay, Ontario. I regularly enjoy dissing on the good old Lakehead and making fun of it, especially the cold weather, and it's location so far from everything "important".... but always with a light heart.
Truthfully it was a great place to grow up and I have been proud of many things from my home town, like more NHL players per capita than any other city, ski jumpers, skiing mogul champs, even the band leader of a ultra famous nighttime talk show.
I NEVER imagined it would include FILM MAKING! Until now. This movie is as good as, if not better than anything I have seen made or funded by Hollywood and these Califophony-ia studios!
This is the REAL DEAL!!! Lee Chambers truly is a big league hitter yet gone unnoticed whose time has come! The Pineville Heist is a great movie and when you get the chance, see it! Butts in seats and dollars, how you spend them, speak volumes to these studios and their distributors!! Go see this movie in Thunder Bay.
Sincerely Dr Gordon J Grobelny DC Calabasas California