That is not to say at all that Dragon Wasps is a good movie, it is a long way from that. But SyFy have done much worse than this. I cannot accuse Dragon Wasps of being dull, because the pacing was actually quite snappy. I also loved the self-ironic moment where Corin Nemec and his movies are poked fun at, while Nemec is quite good as the lead, obviously enjoying himself, while Benjamin Esterday is also appealing. On the negative side, the rest of acting is rather uninspired, the women are pretty but wooden and David Stasko grates the teeth in how bad he is. Apart from that one self-ironic moment the witty and thoughtful quality of the film's dialogue is next to nothing, and while the film has a formula it does it in a rather generic and annoyingly ridiculous way and is so clichéd that you can't help thinking that you've seen it before. The characters are not annoying as such but are not developed enough to make them relateable to the audience. The shootouts suffer from choppy editing and clumsy action. Dragon Wasps is poorly shot and edited, everything just seems so unfocused and amateurish, but the worst asset about Dragon Wasps are by far the special effects. Some of the deaths are gory, but overall the quality of the CGI is blurry and in a way unfinished-looking. The wasps especially suffer from this, and sadly they have no presence whatsoever, it gets increasingly difficult to care for the dire situations the characters go through when the threat is so weakly rendered in both look and characterisation. Overall, could've been much worse but has too many flaws to make it a good movie let alone a great one. 4/10 Bethany Cox