Review: The film opens with two young brothers, Ajay and Vijay, in a village playing, delivering milk, working in the fields and other such activities to help them earn as their father is bed-ridden. Both the brothers share a dream of Ajay becoming a doctor when he grows up. The movie charts his journey through his childhood, struggles, college life, falling in and losing his love to finally becoming a renowned surgeon.
Based on true events with a fictionalised take, the film begins as the story of an underdog striving to become successful. But thereafter, it goes on a different tangent to bring in student life and college rivalry, love story, heartbreak, reuniting and achieving goals. The screenplay lacks a consistent narrative, and the subplots are stitched together without any sequence. The film also touches upon the bias against dentists, and the BDS vs MBBS trope. To establish Ajay (Romil Chaudhary) as a decorated dentist, he is only shown handling one critical case, which wins him an arrogant doctor's respect. The film has many such wafer-thin and simplistic tracks, including Ajay's enmity with the college bullies, and the revenge they exact on him.
The comedy does not elicit laughter, though the supporting cast performs earnestly - especially protagonist's friends. The female lead, Pragati (Pihu Sharma), delivers a less-than-average performance, and Romil Chaudhary gets better in the second half. The part about the couple's break-up will remind one of Kabir Singh when Ajay turns alcoholic, grows a beard et al. The child actors perform well, and Ajay's elder brother Vijay (Kshitij Patwardhan) has a limited role but passes off as a good-hearted, honest and hard working village guy.
Pragati Agarwal's direction is passable, and the cinematography is the film's saving grace. Haryana has been depicted beautifully. The film tries to be an inspirational tale with intense poetry about standing out and touching the sky.
The introductory song is pumped-up and some of the tracks are hummable. But it does have a hip hop disco number that.