This film typifies everything that is wrong with Northern Ireland and its perception by the outside world.
Every single Irish cliché is trotted out over the course of this 30 minute derivative, unoriginal, uninspiring husk. There's the backward village with its white washed houses, the quirky local who is always happy to give unintelligible directions,people drinking Guinness,lots of breaking into song, bad teeth, the troubles and its aftermath and even a reference to the titanic (Needless to say Belfast has more to be proud of than building a ship that was a disaster.)
The film is a disgrace as it shamelessly panders to the ignorant (largely American)perception of Ireland, failing to distinguish between North and South, as a green land of inarticulate beer swilling simpletons. I fully expected to see a leprechaun make an appearance but perhaps that cameo is saved for the sequel. The very fact it won an Oscar is testament to the academy's lack of vision and parochial instincts.
As a Northern-Irish man myself I can proudly say the country I live in is nothing like that portrayed here. It is a dynamic, evolving society with its own distinct culture. In the words of David Homes, a Belfast born musician: This film's bad,let's slash the seats.