I really enjoyed this series. All of the actors did a great job and almost all of the writing was great.
The romantic subplot was sweet and followed some realistic twists and turns without the need for any unnecessary negative drama.. Lee Hye-ri and Lee Jun-young had great chemistry and I looked forward to their scenes together. I think Hye-ri has one of the best smiles in the industry and even though she had less opportunity to use it in this series, when she did, she lite up the screen.
The funeral home subplot added some great drama to the series. The writers handled the heavy topics of murder, suicide, death and grief very well and turned those depressing topics into some uplifting side stories with positive messages. Again, Lee Hye-ri did a fantastic job portraying the serious, sad and grief-stricken side of drama.
Even though the ending was extremely sad, it fit the characters perfectly and I loved how the writers pulled everything together in an ultimately positive way.
My only complaint with the series was with the Seo Hae-ahn thread. They tried to make it a twist but I feel they were rather manipulative with how they went about it...showing some 'false' information in order to build to the twist. Definitely no where near Sixth Sense level of twist building (although, to be fair, very few films ever achieve what the Sixth Sense did with respect to building up to a twist).