This film begins with an investigative journalist by the name of "Kaavya Krishna" (Paoli Dam) and her good friend "Vicky" (Nikhil Dwivedi) capturing incrimating evidence on camera of a high-ranking executive who works for a major corporation there in India. The next morning her article makes the headlines of the news cycle and the person responsible for the running of that company "Siddharth Dhanrajgir" (Gulshan Devaiah) is told by his domineering father, "Kumar Dhanrajgir" (Saurabh Dubey), who owns the business, to clean up the public relations disaster immediately. The problem is, Siddharth is totally incapable of simply correcting the issue at hand and as a result becomes determined to get even with Kaavya at all costs. So, not long afterward, he sets up an appointment with her and offers her a staggering amount of money to entice her to work for him. Thinking that he is on the level she accepts. Eventually, one thing leads to another and she falls in love with him. However, the day after she sleeps with him he abruptly fires her and revels in her humiliation as she is forced out of his office. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there because a couple of weeks later she discovers that she is pregnant. But when she informs Siddharth of this he not only has her kidnapped and the baby aborted but also has her sterilized as well. And from that point on Kaavya vows to get her revenge upon him. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I thought that this was a pretty good film for the most part as it had an interesting plot and some good acting from all concerned. Admittedly, there were certain scenes which were completely unrealistic, but even so I enjoyed this movie overall and have rated it accordingly. Above average.