I must say that I found this 2012 rendering of the Aladdin character in the tale told by writers Joe Morganella, Angela Mancuso and Kevin Commins, and directed by Mario Azzopardi to actually be a rather enjoyable and entertaining movie. Unlike certain newer renderings of Aladdin with dance, song, blue genies and monkeys.
This 2012 movie was aimed for an adult audience, whereas newer movies with Aladdin are aimed at children and youngsters.
The storyline told in "Aladdin and the Death Lamp" was actually captivating from the very beginning, and there was a good pacing to the story. I enjoyed how the events turned out and how director Mario Azzopardi was able to keep me entertained.
The CGI and special effects in "Aladdin and the Death Lamp" turned out to be good, and I really enjoyed the design of the Djinn. I liked how they opted to go for a monstrous design and one that was menacing in appearance alone. Glad there was no blue-tinted bodypaint jobs here.
And this 2012 ""Aladdin and the Death Lamp" was also completely free of dance and song. Plus and plus in my book.
Now, I was for most parts unfamiliar with the recruited actors and actresses that performed in this movie, but I will say that they were actually doing good jobs with their given roles and characters. I was only familiar with Darren Shahlavi (playing Aladdin) and Eugene Clark (playing Khalil).
"Aladdin and the Death Lamp" was fully and wholeheartedly a good adventurous tale if you enjoy a bit of fantasy, magic and superstition. I was thoroughly enjoying this movie, and I can warmly recommend that you take the time to sit down and watch it, if you have the chance.