Based upon a British series, Sensitive Skin presents an affecting and strikingly-filmed series based upon the reflective angst of ageing and progressing through middle age. However, while centrally a drama, there is also a seam of comedy, and this often provides narrative problems as the central actors, Kim Cattrall and Doug McKellar (playing spouses Davina and Al) often seem to be in two completely different narratives. With regard to McKellar, he is frequently caught up in zany and wacky sitcom-style farce, while Cattrall is part of a meditative and emotional drama, and Cattrall wins out. Her scenes are often starkly beautiful and her performance is stellar, but then they are undercut by jarring, unrealistic and sometimes tiresome comedy antics (although Elliott Gould's turn as a dubious doctor works well). It is obvious that Al (and son, Orlando) are meant to exacerbate Davina's ennui, but the tonal shifts make the series uneven and more focus on Davina's point-of-view would have elevated it. Nevertheless, Sensitive Skin is still highly engaging and effectively produced - I just would have liked to have seen more of Davina and her world-view.