Watching anything with "goes horribly wrong" in the title usually ends in disappointment, but this video blew me away.
I think the magic of this experience is how it transforms the setting into a truly eerie situation. As a frequent Disneyland attendee, this is a ride I love and cherish and haven't feared since I was very young. Yet "Missing in the Mansion" manages to take the ride and really make it scary. One of the shots literally gave me the chills. In spite of a background of cartoonish animatronics and familiar set pieces, the fear never subsides. And that is amazing.
I think, at a lower level, this film nails what I truly feared as a little kid on this ride: not the fake ghosts or effects, but the unknown. The idea that there were ghosts that you couldn't see, until it was too late. "Missing" takes that creepy feeling of vulnerability and brings it all horrifyingly to life.
On a more technical level, the acting is pretty good. It's realistic, in the "found-footage" sense, with the protagonists acting like real people would under the circumstances, but not necessarily . We get to know the characters well enough. The practical effects are very impressive, using so much real footage on the ride and effective transitions that it's hard to believe it wasn't all filmed on location (Heck, maybe it was).
The only real gripe I had with it is some rather unconvincing green screen effects, which brought me out of the movie a bit, especially at the climax of the film. But given the budget and limited technology available, it's completely understandable.
Overall, a creepy, exciting experience and definitely worth the time to watch.