First off let me clarify, the original Aussie Rake is one of my top 10 shows of all time. I haven't yet seen the U. S version as can't seem to get hold of it here in the UK, but will judge it on its own merit and not compare it to the original when I do find it. So, even though I'm yet to see it I feel compelled to make a comment purely based on some of the frustrating comments on here about the original and in particular the main characters behaviour and questions about why call it Rake? First off, you need to understand the meaning of the word Rake. In a historical context, a rake (short for rakehell, analogous to "hellraiser") was a man who was habituated to immoral conduct, particularly womanizing. A rake wastes his money on gambling, wine, women, and song, incurring huge debts in the process. Now, anyone who's seen the original please tell me that Richard Roxburgh captures this perfectly. I like Greg Kinnear a lot and look forward to seeing what he brings to the character, but for me there will only ever be one Clever Greene, and he has an Aussie accent.