Robert is a lonely audio engineer. After much research he manages to develop a sound frequency that immediately puts anyone who hears it into an hypnotic trance and makes them totally bend to his commands. He immediately starts using the device to influence his neighbours, initially sparingly but then constantly. What could possibly go wrong?
Novel idea. Pretty much plays to our fantasies of having some sort of magical power that allows us to control others. The scene- setting and the initial use of the device was quite interesting and even amusing at times.
A pity then that the plot doesn't really go anywhere. With everything nicely set up for something profound or, at least, entertaining, the movies drifts from about the half-way mark. Instead of building on the start, we pretty much have the same scenarios being played out over and over again.
The movie does ultimately find a direction, but it's a random one, one that is not developed or justified at all by what came before. Quite bizarre and random ending.
Worth seeing for the first half. Second half is disappointing.