Dr. Cha is the woman many of the Millennials are, the ones who started with a promising career and was left behind not because not being smart but because life happens and many of us, had to choose priorities as being wives or being career woman. Some women were successful in this because their spouses were very supportive, but we all know that all Dr's Cha, are the one who gave all for their spouses and the spouses did not support at all so it went downfall. The story is amazing, is great and thank God is not another Grey's anatomy, but a story that affects woman millennials society, and since humanism is a thing that explains how and why we repeat stupid behavior like this even if is in the Pacific Ocean area or In the Atlantic we are all victims of our own condition. And I hope women take this in consideration to not repeat what having a relationship to please our parents doesn't really help us in the future. So, lesson learned. Now, the other side of the story I really think the financial future holds in the women and men returning to their main educational roots, and I believe the universities, do need to take their idealist hypocrisy regulations and shove them on a hole in the dirt and let the new ones grow. We need more new regulations that benefit people like me in their 40's and smarter that the current clueless student population.