I recently watched the movie Three (2024) on Tubi. The storyline follows a couple who, looking to spice up their lives, entertain the idea of a threesome. When the female in the relationship discovers her best friend's interest in women, she sees an opportunity. Little did she know, it would lead to unforeseen complications...
This picture is written and directed by Nina Stakz (Blood & Money) and stars Tresure Price (I Want Her), Christopher Deon (Shamed), Devon Lewis (She-Hulk), and Vanessa D. Fant (#Victoria).
While the circumstances felt authentic and the setup was realistic, the writing and acting fell short. The portrayal of the female neighbor character and the best friend with a crush on the lesbian friend felt exaggerated and poorly executed. The situations spiraled out of control, becoming over the top, and the fight scenes were lackluster. Moreover, the absence of nudity may disappoint some viewers. Overall, there's little redeeming about this film.
In conclusion, Three is a poorly executed picture that falls short in writing and execution. It isn't worth your time. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping.