I saw Kneecap today in one of the best multiplexes in the UK. Interestingly, the entire audience (all 10 of us) were in our sixties and seventies and there was total engagement and no-one left before the lights went up. I spoke to one group of about 5 and they were all in agreement about how strong the film was. I lived and travelled in NI and Eire (as was) during the early 80s so truly appreciated the quality of the script. The acting was exceptional and the dark humour was right up my street. I'm not a big hip-hop fan and you certainly don't need to be to appreciate the film, but I've always rated Eminem and Die Antwoord very highly, and it's clear to me that the the latter were clearly an influence on the sound and style of Kneecap as an outfit. I will get this on Blu ray in due course, but I think I will be the only person in the household who 'gets it'. Hopefully my children will get at least some of the cultural references and enjoy the kick-ass soundtrack. If you get the opportunity, do give it a go as this film illustrates just how well a piece of art can be created using a very limited budget and authentic actors. Based on a true story.