This review avoids plot spoilers and doesn't talk about it. I think that's important because you want to go into this blind.
This is not a full review as, at the time of writing, only 3 episodes have been released.
So far, I am enjoying the world building, the intrigue and mystery that comes from that.
It has a very good way of peeling back layers to reveal more and more without giving the whole thing away.
Reminds me a lot of LOST.
In fact, it's the flashbacks. There are many instances of it. And they all play a part. Showing the audience more of the characters or the situations involved.
Every episode ends with a new revelation which makes you sit up and pay attention. Meaning, you are looking forward to the next one.
And as new things are revealed, more questions abound. But it's not like it leaves you hanging. Questions get answers which in turn give you faith that the outstanding ones will also be answered.
The acting from the main leads, especially Sterling Brown and Jullianne Nicholson, is extremely good. The nuances, facial expressions and feelings of how they deliver the words ring true.
As the audience, you can connect with them and therefore connect with the journey being played out. Your questions become their questions.
There is plenty of mystery in the drama. Plenty of intrigue.
It isn't a fast paced thriller.....more an engaging, slow evolving mystery. The twists are very good. I didn't expect any of them.
So far, I am enjoying it. So much so, I am looking forward to episode 4, the day it comes out.
It has me hooked.
If you liked LOST, or are a fan of mysteries with twists and turns, you're gonna like this.
I just hope that when the whole thing is said and done, it ends in a better place than the meandering LOST eventually did.
But we'll only know that in time.
Till then buckle up (nod and a wink to those who have already watched this).