"Dawshom Avatar," the much-anticipated prequel to the blockbuster "Baishe Srabon" from 2011, falls disappointingly short of the expectations set by its predecessor. Srijit Mukherjee, the acclaimed director of both films, seems to have missed the mark this time. Let's dive deeper into what went wrong.
The film begins with Prasenjit Chakroborty's (Probir) first appearance on the screen, which unfortunately feels underwhelming. His portrayal seems cheap and cringe-worthy, his running appears awkward, and his overall demeanor comes off as aged. Anirban Bhattacharya (Bijoy Poddar) is depicted as a comic character, a stark departure from the complex character he portrayed in "Vinci Da." These portrayals certainly don't do justice to the characters Srijit Mukherjee built in his previous work.
One of the major drawbacks of "Dawshom Avatar" lies in its dialogue delivery. The dialogues come across as cheap, cringe, and recycled from previous movies, which is disappointing for a film of this caliber. Additionally, the plot appears weak and poorly constructed, almost as if it was hastily written. The audience deserves better than what feels like a script generated by an AI chatbot, like ChatGPT.
However, it's not all doom and gloom. Jishu, who plays Bissorup, shines with his excellent acting. His performance stands out amidst the sea of mediocrity. Jaya Ahsan (Maitrayee) delivers an average performance but struggles to elevate the material she's given. Prasenjit, despite his best efforts, and Anirban, are both limited by the subpar script and mediocre dialogues.
The film's attempt to incorporate elements of Sanatan Mythology and dispel common misconceptions is noteworthy, but it seems the audience struggled to grasp most of it. Additionally, subtle references to "Baishe Srabon" are scattered throughout, but they fail to provide a coherent link between the two films.
What disappoints most is the weak storyline riddled with plot holes, the comical portrayal of the once imperious police officer, Bijoy Poddar, and the unnecessary references to previous films. The side characters from "Baishe Srabon" (2011) appear aged and overweight, making their efforts to reprise their roles less convincing.
In the end, "Dawshom Avatar" leaves us with a line from "Baishe Srabon" that seems fitting - it is, indeed, "Kacha hathe lekha, baje bangla thriller er script." This film falls short of the standards set by its predecessor, leaving fans of the franchise wanting more and wondering what could have been.