I saw this one at the theaters about 30 minutes before writing this review.
Overall - the movie is watchable; the 90 minutes didn't drag. But I wasn't blown away by the quality. I anticipate that I may forget this movie in short time
What I like: Daisy Ridley is likable; the scenes with her brother are charming; and I like the London setting. The action scenes are well-done. I was concerned, based on the premise, about scenes where a tiny girl overpowers some 200 pound men, but really - the movie doesn't over-do it. Daisy's character relies more on stealth than force/strength. The window-cleaning scenes are also fun. The movie captures the tenseness of being so high off the ground in some scenes. Nothing in the movie, from dialogue to CGI, is cringe or embarassingly low-quality
What I didn't like: the biggest flaw, by far, is that there really isn't much that we haven't seen before. The movie is an amalgam of action movies cliches, borrowing many elements from Die Hard and the Jean Claude Van Damme/Jason Statham movies. The entire plot basically goes in the direction that you would predict, aside from one early major death (no spoilers; I won't say). The other main issue is that the villains aren't as charming or interesting as the lead. The main villain is Lucas Santos, and there is a lot of attention towards his hatred of humanity (the movie itself seemingly plays on his views by referencing Thanos, who advocated killing half of humanity). Overall, Lucas Santos is too over-the-top psychotic, almost to the point of cartoonish. His diatribes against humanity begin to drag on. I also would've cast a different actor in that role. The actor who plays Lucas doesn't impart the fear that this role required.