Beautiful😃 Shot Boot Three was a beautiful and clean watch. We enjoyed every bit of it.
The story was relatable as it carried crucial messages for our generation
-It was clear throughout the screenplay that Arun Vaidyanathan wanted to emphasize the need for love in our fast-paced society.
Love for one another, love for the blind, love for the poor, and of course, love for animals.
-Poovaiyar takes home the award for best performance. He is sooo cute and excelled in his street-wise role!
-Shot Boot Three sustained a childlike atmosphere with entertaining animation, funky score, and simple/clean dialogues
-The yellow color in the lighting, outfits, and dog's fur accentuated the optimism, energy, happiness, and friendship symbolism.
It was quite meaningful to see the solidarity between the friends
-Nice work on the storytelling and direction. Every scene made sense and we were gradually taken from point A to point B.
Being separately introduced to Pallavi, Ballu, and Kailash in the beginning gently invited us into their world so we could understand them.
-It was obvious that Shot Boot Three was the main actors' debut. Praniti, Vedanth, and Kailash weren't totally relaxed in front of the camera. We could tell that they were thinking about their next moves/lines. But we give them A for effort!