This review has been updated, after a few months I decided to lower my rating due to the overuse of gross out humor, this show is not terrible, but it wont be the next Spongebob.
Whenever Nick releases a new show, I at least try to watch it and see if it is any good, most shows nowadays are not as you already know. But surprisingly, I was fairly impressed when I saw the first episode of Sanjay and Craig.
The humor in the show seems to copy the Regular Show style but I don't really mind because unlike so many Nick shows on, it doesn't try too hard to be funny. Most jokes actually get you a few laughs and don't seem cheesy or timed. Yes their is gross out humor, the one downside to this show is that it relies too much on gross out humor. Trying to be a wanna be R&S, but back to the positives. Thurnop Van Orman is one of the shows producers, and I have always liked what he has worked on because he puts a surreal twist into everything.
The art style has a 90's Nick vibe to it with a touch of 1980's references throughout, not to mention they actually have something new in 2D for once, other than Korra, unlike the lazy, overdone, CGI atrocities they have on now. You may or may not know this but the character designs are from one of the character designers for Bobs Burgers. So it seems similar.
Voice acting is laid back and simple and actually has a diverse voice cast. The characters might seem a little on the cliché side though. A boy and his pet and they go on adventures, seen it like 100 times before. But overall I am liking the show so far, but after seeing what it would be like, I would'nt expect it to have a cult following like Adventure Time and Regular Show.
But as one reviewer said, don't let your nostalgia goggles get in the way of something new, you never know, you just might like it.