Competitive Reality TV... A genre of television that was generally spoken of with distaste by many, including me. The Quest changed that. The show proved that reality TV can be entertaining without embarrassing or exposing its contestants, that reality does not necessarily mean showing the lowest places in people's life, illuminating every dark corner of and grabbing at every chance of drama. The Quest gives you 12 people that are firmly rooted in life, but at the same time well-traveled in the realms of fantasy, who get the chance every fantasy fan dreams of. They get transported to a fantasy world where they get to fight against impending darkness, sometimes through teamwork, sometimes through competition. The competitive aspect is a strong one in this show, yet there is no exaggerated drama or open hostility between the contestants like that which usually wears out my nerves speedily in other competitive shows. Some might assume that this lack of clashing personalities and drama would make the show boring to watch, that it would be a teletubbyesk love peace and harmony compilation. Way off the mark! Since the competition for becoming the one true hero is embedded into the background story of a dark invasion that threatens to take over the last free kingdom of twelve, there is plenty of conflict, mystery, treachery and danger. The professional actors that carry this background story do an extraordinary job. Crio, the Dreamer, played by Jan Hutter who made a character his own that was planned to be played by a much older, stouter actor and who delivers marvelously as the paladins' first and truest friend in Everealm and the Queen's loyal steward. The Queen herself, played by Susanne Gschwendtner as regal and aloof as a Queen can be, got to little screen time for my taste, but what we see of her is great. Especially her warming towards the paladins is beautiful to witness. The same holds true for the head of her army, Sir Ansgar, played by Peter Windhofer. He is the one who gives the paladins their battle training, criticizing and pushing them mercilessly. Yet when he cracks a smile once in a while, he raises the heart rates of both female contestants and viewers alike. His counterpart is the Grand Vizier, magician and consultant to the Queen and rather hostile towards the paladins, played wonderfully dislikable by Marcella De Nardo. Around these four a colorful group of monsters, magic beings of hostile or benign nature and numerous medievalish extras ensures that paladins and viewers alike can totally immerse in the "land of beauty and great magical power". My friends and I have been on the edge of our seats for the newest episode every Thursday night, eager for another exciting forty minutes of dreams and magic, treachery and loyalty, friendship and fate. I guess this sums up why I give ten stars to this show. There may be tiniest inconsistencies in the plot line, but the endearing, sweeping character of the whole show covers them with ease. I DO hope there will be a 2nd season!