"Hollywood Con Queen" (one season (2024), 3 eps, 1 hr, Apple+) This short run documentary uncovers the fraud of dozens of low-level Hollywooders perpetuated by someone at first thought to be a woman of voice impersonations but turns out to be someone else, someone who's "sweet" and "light on their feet" but obsessively annoying, too. My takeaway from this is how the US DoJ/FBI once again leaves it up to others to develop a case till it rises to their standards of interest. Even with plenty of evidence of fraud presented to them, the FBI did not take on the case till it hit the $1 million level. This is especially egregious since the con man was operating internationally which should've pushed them to immediate involvement, whatever. The conclusion of the tale is not really solid, some justice is achieved, but the tale doesn't end with a conviction and sentencing, that still is yet to play out apparently.