This was the first Tokusatsu movie that Sampote Sams did with Tsuburaya productions. This would later be the start of a long and weird legal battle between the two. Basically when Sampote Sams made Hanuman and the seven Ultraman movie, he thought he owned the entire franchise, and also Kamen Rider for some reason.
Out of all his Tokusatsu movies, i think this one is the best. It has decent miniature work, decent acting, simple characters, and okay cinematography. But there is still quite a bit of issues with it.
The sound design for the Tokusatsu fights are terrible, there is no boom when the characters fall down. Also when the two dinosaur creatures show up you can't tell who is roaring and the roaring NEVER STOPS, they just don't shut up.
The character are also pretty paper thin and simple, there is nothing to them. In the first 40 minutes there is a Temple Giant statue, and whenever it is on screen it plays this heroic music and the timing for it is really hit or miss. It also plays the same theme when the Dad and the Kid are taken to the hospital, but I think it's funny and out of context.
For some reason when the two giant martians show up in the city, it's sped up really fast and it looks like the fight scenes in Godzilla raids again. That's a bad thing.
I do not recommend watching this with the English dub. It's the worst American dub I've ever seen, and some lines are not even translated.
It might sound like I don't enjoy this movie, but the last thirty minutes are really fun. Excellent visual effects and better miniatures than the beginning.
I can tell that they put most of the budget into the climax, it's actually good.
I think this is an underrated Tokusatsu movie, i liked it.