Too often these days we, the movie going public, are treated to nothing but monster budget films meant to distract us with over the top CGI and two dimensional characters spewing clichéd catch phrases. Even character driven films, such as the wonderful Birdman, cost as much as the GDP of a small country. So it's refreshing to see a truly independent film such as Patient Killer get it's day to shine. The first thing that struck me with this film was the beautiful cinematography. Technically this film was brilliant, lighting, sound design, set design etc. The characters in this film, led by Caspar Van Dien, Barbie Castro & Victoria Pratt, do a wonderful job of leading us through an intricate maze of story and misdirection. As a theater goer I would highly recommend this film. As a filmmaker myself I applaud those associated with this production their ability to present a quality production without the tens of millions Hollywood would spend and for keeping the spirit of indie film making alive.