This short film is incredibly good. Considering it was made by college students, I really enjoyed watching it. It had drama, fun und comedy as well. The cast was very interesting but great, especially the boy. The film is about a boy named Fabi whose family has many scars. You're only then really part of the family when you complete the tradition of getting your first scar: and Fabi doesn't want to have one. The boy, Fabi, tries to get accepted by his father, Otis. Both of them and Fabi's sister Bea spend their break in the countryside where their Granddad Winni lives. Winni has been building a rollercoaster for many years and wants Fabi to ride it first: his life project. Fabi is stuck between individuality and belonging. Like I said, great movie, even better then I described it, watch it, watch it, watch it!