Early on, as an accompaniment to The 2012 Paralympics on Ch4, this was fresh, edgy, new, irreverent, even brilliant. Political and social comment that cut like a knife, no quarter was given or expected. Now it's more like too much effort for very little return. It's boring!
Adam Hill's grin is so obviously forced, like he's just thinking of his Aussie audience maybe? Gotta sell more tickets on the homecoming tour, right Adam?
Josh Widicombe is a pure spaz, and he's the only one not disabled in some way, apart from his personality that is. His constant sniping at and bullying of Alex is embarrassing and painful to watch. It's always the small guys, isn't it? Whenever one of the others is on a roll he just has to interrupt the flow. You jealous of the funny people, Josh?
Alex Brooker carries the show, is the only one still displaying the sharp wit that used to be a benchmark of this once excellent series. At least he's started fighting back against Josh, which is well overdue.
The 'celebrity' guests may as well not be on there, it's not like they get much of a chance to actually say anything, and if they do then they just get ridiculed for it (the Josh factor again).
If I was a producer I'd get rid of Josh, and possibly Adam, and bring in some fresh blood. There's an ex paralympian, Ade Adepitan who's smart and witty, a really fun guy who'd fit the bill. Alex has earned his place in the show, although that may not be enough to save it. As Channel 4 gets more banal and obsessed with C list celebrity culture it seems like it's taken its eye off the stuff that made it; being different and breaking the rules. Sad days.
Although still one of the most popular shows on the channel, I suspect it's because of an audience still loyal to the early days, but for how long?
UPDATE 4/4/17 If I didn't know better I'd say that the producers have read my review? Josh is being nice, Adam is funny again, the guests are getting to actually speak. Hope it lasts.