OMG. Where are they going with this softer, gentler WH?
Episode 1 is sensational. I loved it. But the second...... oh wow. There is a reason its not listed here, I presume.
All I kept imagining is this Custodes walking around and people all assuming she is man, while she insists to be called "ma'am". I mean come on, she is just silly. How can you take this huge masculine chin thing with breasts seriously? What is it supposed to be? It's certainly not an improvement. A female, even a huge one is weaker than males of the same size. So why would they make it? It would be worse at guarding the Emperor. What do they give him lap dance?
It starts out with two Space Marines sniveling to each other about how sad they are that they would never get to do art, and write poetry or something. It actually could have been a decent show if not for the disturbing "female" creature.
Really, the second episode is a failure in every way. Really pushing the agenda, in my opinion.
And seriously, everyone knows Custodes were never women. Old paper books that they can not change because they are not online all call them men, over and over. I have no idea why the makers of WH felt the need to tell such an obvious untruth. Im sure they are looking to improve their inclusivity scores, and Sisters of Silence, and sisters of Battle arent good enough, because they arent bossing people around. They want a girlboss that puts men in their place. So they chose Custodes. This can do nothing but lose them valuable customers. It's not going to win anyone over, because everyone is tired of the G boss.
You know they never said Custodes couldn't be orks tho...