Where do I begin? Well, I discovered this brilliant show quite by accident. I'm not normally into werewolves or zombies so I took a chance and had a look. It's made in Glasgow, a perfect gritty setting for encounters of the paranormal kind. Set in a very near future Scotland, werewolves, vampires and zombies have been integrated into society, policed by the Paranormal Investigation Team. These are the guys Taggart would probably call! A very well made show, great special effects. Yes folks, even CGI here. A plethora of amazing guest stars and from what I can see, an ever growing fan base online. Featuring a great cast of actors, amazing cameos, a BAFTA award winning writer on board, this is truly one of the most unique offerings to come from Scotland in years. As the series progresses, it's clear that all involved are gaining more confidence with each new episode, there's plenty of twists and turns to keep you interested. The brain child of Scottish film maker Fraser Coull, it's only a matter of time before we see this dynamic Web show burst onto our TV screens. It also has a large following on the comic con circuit, there's no smoke without fire. Check it out. You'll love it.