As a big fan of the genre, it doesn't take much for me to watch a horror/thriller if given a few positive reviews, but within the first few minutes, I deemed that the main character was that of another poorly played juvenile trapped inside a late twenty-something's body, this time with a hipster look, slamming beers every 10 seconds while giving us no reason to root him on through a survival horror situation. You're basically looking at a slightly larger, more intelligent yet less funny Pauly Shore unafraid of anything for his brain is apparently fried and full of cliché. As the story attempts to create suspense, the film becomes more and more predictable, desperately trying to sell scares when your girlfriend has fell asleep half way through. Sorry to be so down on this film, but one of the actors even sites the movie that it so uselessly rips off, The Game with Michael Douglas. Skip this one unless you are a huge fan of modern day B movie failures.