This film essentially begins with a young police officer by the name of "Sheriff Kelly Jarvis" (Danny Hansen) going to the local grocery store one night to buy some ice cream. When he gets there, he notices that one of the local residents appears to be having a seizure of some kind and, as you might expect, attempts to help. To his horror, however, he is suddenly attacked by another man standing nearby and is forced to shoot him in self-defense. Although all of the evidence exonerates him, the town "Mayor" (played by Sharon Fredrickson) immediately blames him and as a result orders him to surrender his weapon in the process. Needless to say, this action has serious consequences when even more people suddenly go insane and start attacking other residents. Yet, rather than admit her mistake, the mayor becomes even more hostile to the sheriff and his girlfriend "Dr. Mariama" (Shenik Taylor). Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that Danny Hansen, Shenik Taylor and Amy Waller (as Sheriff Kelly's ex-girlfriend "Anne") performed rather well, all things considered. Unfortunately, what really dragged this film down was the poor acting on the part of Sharon Fredrickson who was not only badly miscast but had too much screen time as well. That being said, although this film had some good aspects, they weren't enough to overcome the obvious weakness just mentioned and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.